Orecchiette lend themselves to numerous preparations: in fact, their concave shape makes them particularly versatile and able to accommodate any sauce.
A great classic that needs no introduction repurposed in its most artisanal to enhance all the goodness of the Italian culinary tradition. When you try it, you realize its uniqueness.
Their generous thickness combined with bronze wire drawing make Spaghettoni ideal for picking up hearty, homemade sauces. Good for enhancing even the most rustic and full-bodied dishes.
An incredible harmony of flavors emanates from this pasta when it meets full-bodied meat-based sauces. With an artisanal heart, it is made with only Italian raw materials through a long process.
With their characteristic geometric shape, Penne are irresistible: they embrace any preparation, even lending themselves to the creation of tasty baked pies.
Fusilli are the result of careful processing and selected raw materials. The special spiral shape combined with the porous surface, typical of bronze wire drawing, is ideal for accommodating any sauce.
Their sinuous, curved shape, aided by the double opening, allows the Pipes to hide full-bodied sauces and condiments inside, giving each bite a richly flavored surprise for the palate.
Pasta dishes taste even better with Mezze Maniche: thanks to their dynamic structure and shape, they go well with both traditional flavors and original, imaginative preparations.
Already encapsulated in the name is the characteristic appearance of this pasta, which, thanks to its streaks, is capable of tickling the palates of young and old alike by picking up and enhancing all the flavors in the dish.
Paccheri are great to pair with both meat and fish sauces. Their unique cylinder shape offers the possibility of stuffing them inside as well, making each course even more special.
Spaghetti di Grano D uro a Lenta Essicazione produced with organic wheat from Italian crops by Girolomoni. Absolute quality from one of the organic pioneers who helped expand the culture of respect for the land and the ingredients of production. The best pasta for every kind of sauce.
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